Berggruen Institute ↗︎


AI Research Think Tank
Antikythera Program, Los Angeles ↗︎


The Berggruen Institute explores the ideas needed for our changing world.

Since its founding, the Berggruen Institute has forged new conceptual frameworks to meet the challenges and harness the opportunities of the arriving future. As an independent think tank, it has the autonomy to step outside the usual lanes, reaching beyond academic disciplines to bridge social divides, partisan dispositions, and cultural boundaries. This cross-fertilization, joined with a unique capacity to connect and convene a diverse global network of relationships, gives it the ability to spread actionable ideas and influence events.


Antikythera is an AI research think tank within the Berggruen Institute. Antikythera produces research that maps the impacts of Artificial Intelligence on planetary systems, geopolitics, and philosophical frameworks.

The Los Angeles-based think tank assembles global researchers and engineers from Google DeepMind, Stanford, Berkeley, the Cambridge Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, Tsinghua, and others towards the establishment of new directions for Machine Intelligence. 

At Antikythera I was a Research Analyst covering the topic of Synthetic Intelligence.

I worked on the critique of the individualistic and anthropomorphic model of Artificial Intelligence, which dominates Western debates on AI and ethics. In its place, we proposed systems which leverage machine intelligence for interspecies and interscalar communication paradigms in which AI might be deputized to translate between previously unintelligible systems.   

Our work has direct implications for ecology monitoring, land management, and knowledge synthesis in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Synthetic Intelligence Page